Hi Chuck,
Oops, You said associated with.. apologies! That'll teach me to not
use the reply button =) I have to agree too that using software to
compose can be less intuitive than sitting at a piano.
> > As to the comment that you can only produce "retarded dance music" with a
> > tracker,
> I NEVER said that. Why on Earth would you misquote me like that??
> I said:
> "If you've never written music, and you don't own any instruments, and
> you open a program for the first time that shows you 8 divisions per
> measure with a steady beat, you'll probably make a lot of music before
> you discover what other options are available. Multiply this by a
> million users, and you've got the makings of a long-term association
> with RDM (retarded dance music)."
Received on Thu Mar 8 00:15:01 2007
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