Re: [linux-audio-user] kernel & rt-patch 2.6.20-rt8

From: Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Wed Mar 07 2007 - 21:22:06 EET

Hash: SHA1

Dragan Noveski wrote:
> hi list,
> i just tried, obviously the rt-8 patch from the 2.6.20 branch applies
> to the kernel too!

same here! works amazingly well!

I had some minor issues with add-on modules (ipw3945 and some thinkpad
specials) but all i needed to do was to s/SA_SHIRQ/IRQF_SHARED/g in the
respective module sources.

I did not yet dig into chrt and IRQs + ACPI as I have two hours of
xrun-free jack UA-25 USB with just over two hours after compiling the
kernel ;-) - suspend + wireless work to, btw!

 jackd -R -P 80 -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 48000 -p 64 -n 3 (internal intel 82801G)

 jackd -R -P 80 -d alsa -d hw:0 -r 48000 -p 128 -n 2 (USB UA-25)

- -p64 on USB works as well but causes xruns when new clients connect! I
can live with that; some chrt might do the trick.. - I'm just about to
conclude the day with documenting what I've been doing the last two
nights: http://sputnik/wiki/wiki:x60sid

keep on rockin'

PS. can anyone shed some light on the CONFIG_NO_HZ option - seems like
it saves quite some power. Does it affect realtime performance. can it
be disabled at runtime?

PPS. i've usually disabled freq. scaling during audio-work as there were
x-runs when the cpu speed changed. this does no longer seem to be the
case.. is it still a good habit to shut down powernowd ?
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Received on Thu Mar 8 00:15:02 2007

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