On 3/7/07, Robin Gareus <robin@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> PS. can anyone shed some light on the CONFIG_NO_HZ option - seems like
> it saves quite some power. Does it affect realtime performance. can it
> be disabled at runtime?
Should not affect realtime performance - it was judged stable enough
for mainline and I've seen no reports on LKML of it causing problems.
> PPS. i've usually disabled freq. scaling during audio-work as there were
> x-runs when the cpu speed changed. this does no longer seem to be the
> case.. is it still a good habit to shut down powernowd ?
JACK was fixed to use gettimeofday() as the clock source so disabling
frequency scaling should no longer be needed.
Received on Thu Mar 8 00:15:03 2007
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