Chris Cannam wrote:
> On Wednesday 07 Mar 2007 20:55, Thorsten Wilms wrote:
>> Completely different background and colours, played with the logo:
> I'm not sure about the meter-strips colouring in the stem of the p in the
> logo. It looks like a too ungainly attempt to get something audio-related
> into the logo. I agreed with your previous view that that wasn't really
> necessary, and I don't think these strips look enough like actual meters
> (especially spaced as they are) to carry the metaphor.
> The silhouettes in the logo title bar are nice.
> The background seems odd at first glance, but wears well.
I'm following the look'n'logo evolution with interest. looks a lot like
software devel. 1st version nice and clean, and we get fixes as well as
new bugs with each revision :)
This latest version surprised me at first glance ("What's that now?")
but at second view I came to like the style! I agree that the logo
"P-meters" don't work well: bot spacing & color! - maybe we should
reconsider the site's name :)
Anyway besides the matters of taste, I've started to replace the logos
in the apps-list by icons representing apps-features =apps-entry tag(s).
fi. jack, jack_transport, alsa_midi work quite well:
Other topics should have a different set of "highlighted-tags"
eg for
symbols: 32bit, 64bit, Live/Install, CD/DVD, deb/rpm/tgz,.. (not yet
..and some general set of icons/quick-info about stability, user-rating,
intended-audience, etc. - as Thorsten pointed out, it's easy to end up
with a salad of icons..!
To avoid that we should have some 10 to 20 well defined icons.. some
exclusive to each other.
I guess we can take recent surveys into account and come up with some
good classification scheme. (tag-categories are structured in topics! -
each topic specifies the special-tags that will be icon-highlighted for
comparison eg. JACK or DISTROS).. and I'm sure there are more important
topics that 32/64 bit and appreciate suggestions from musicians,
version-junkies or any other dude who knows the subtleties of
linux-audio software on what icons we'd like to have ;-)
The back-end is prepared, we just need to agree on a set of special
tags, icons and feed apps with the missing data :)
slightly OT: we should rename some of the long category-tags (see ) - I propose the
LAC2007 workshop to discuss and "sign-off" major changes to the current
PS. ATM I'm pretty much busy and more concerned with RSS-sync and
mail-hook possibilities of this wiki. (eg. to update version numbers
from source-repo) - There no intentions to set up a Forum! But we're
thinking about a web-wrapper and buffer around the email-lists..
Received on Thu Mar 8 20:15:01 2007
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