Hi Nick,
> I actually just ordered a Behringer Vamp2, and can't wait to
> get my hands on it. It's gotten good reviews--generally much,
> much better than the Line 6 POD units which cost a great deal more...
I've had a Vamp2 for a few years now and I love it! A couple of things
I have learned about it:
1. When recording distorted sounds, set it up so it sounds great to you,
then back off the gain a significant amount - the recorded sound will be
much better.
2. The default cabinets for each amp may be "authentic" in that they
historically match the amp model, but they sound a bit boring to me.
Play with the cabinet selections for each amp model and you'll get a
huge variety of tones.
3. It has a nice mode whereby you can send the amp-only (no effects
other than compressor) out one channel, and the effected signal out the
other. So you can record with and without effects simultaneously.
4. You can use it for re-amping pre-recorded signals. I've fed clean
sounds back through it as well as piano, organ, and synth sounds with
some cool results.
5. There is a linux version of the patch editor out there - google for
Hope that helps, and good luck with the vamp2.
Received on Fri Mar 9 00:15:02 2007
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