Thorsten Wilms wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 09, 2007 at 10:17:19PM +0100, Robin Gareus wrote:
>> the 2nd Version is much better! alas it reminds me less and less about
>> linux audio, but the logo clearly fixes this shotcoming - Well I'd be
>> glad to use it!
>> nit-picking: the logo should go more to the left, and maybe the
>> background, too. the Boxes are cut-off on the right-screen edge, so why
>> should they align to the left if it's a spectrum snapshot? :) - and
>> there still is a blue haze in the whites which I don't think is my screen.
> The aligment of the logo is simply not controled. I tried to change
> the positioning to pixels so it doesn't change with font size but
> failed. About 7 years of messing with CSS now and then, but this is
> just too much.
...and I guess it's position might also depend on the browser ;-X
If we settle to use it, I'm going to fix some html errors in the
monobook template, but that'll happen _after_ we've decided on the
> Blue haze in the whites? Background on tabs, Trace, Getting started
> ... is plain white.
the white ("Getting Started" header) seems balanced white, but the
bg ("Newbie Introduction") has a blue shade compared to it (clearly
visible in the brighter pixels they're not grayish - best viewed at a
distance. I've tried three screens now - but all geeks like the touch of
blue :) IMO it takes away too much warmth that the rest of the design is
building up nicely.
>> Personally I favor a more minimalistic approach. (IMO this media-wiki
>> look and feel is somewhat bloated) - if you excuse Flash for a minute:
>> is IMHO a great webdesign!
> I don't know if that is great webdesign ... didn't have the patience
> for it to load ...
funny it's a really small site, actually from the prev. millenium!
What about the 2-d matrix front-face then? it might fit the block style
in away or the other?
Received on Sat Mar 10 04:15:02 2007
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