Well, if you butcher cover songs quite as thoroughly as I do, you'd be
fine since "satire" is exempted, at least under US copyright law. :)
On 3/10/07, Bob van der Poel <bob@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Brett W. McCoy wrote:
> > I think it's still illegal unless you have specific permission from
> > the copyright holder, regardless of whetehr or not you are selling it.
> > Posting a cover tune online may fall under the "public performance"
> > rights law. Look out how freaked out they get over tablature put
> > online...
> Yes, I think you're correct ... which is probably what motivated me to
> ask in the first place :) I suppose offering to pay <someone> a small
> amount of money would make life so complicated it'd be easier not to.
> Oh well, if nothing else, it'll motivate me to dump the cover tunes and
> replace them with some old folk songs and some stuff I've written myself.
> --
> Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA **
> EMAIL: bob@email-addr-hidden
> WWW: http://www.mellowood.ca
Received on Sun Mar 11 08:15:01 2007
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