On Sunday 11 March 2007 15:44, Johannes Mario Ringheim wrote:
> I've put together a new DJ-mix using one turntable together with
> Hydrogen and Freewheeling. My brand new BCF2000 is used for controlling
> the thing, and a sustainpedal triggers the looping. I've also videotaped
> it, so you can all see what I'm doing!
> Comments are as always appreciated.
> http://rasmus.uib.no/~jri022/ringheimsauto/loopmix.avi
> (Video)
> http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-2381754226424081568&q=loopheile
> (Google video)
> http://rasmus.uib.no/~jri022/ringheimsauto/Ringheims%20Auto%20-%20Loopmix.o
> (Audio)
> http://rasmus.uib.no/~jri022/ringheimsauto/Ringheims%20Auto%20-%20Loopmix.m
> (Audio)
Nice track Johannes. I'm not usually into rap, but the beats were just great,
and more up front than the rap. I quite like ragga, but am not into hip-hop.
How large is this .avi file? I'm on dialup!
btw. I think there may be a problem with the link for the .ogg audio file.
Kget said the file didn't exist, so I had to go with the .mp3.
Great track though.
Received on Mon Mar 12 00:15:02 2007
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