steev wrote:
> Recommending new hardware isn't completely out of the question
At the risk of shooting my leg of, I'd say if I were in your friends
shoes I'd prefer a simple, rock steady solution. A comsumer mp3 player
with a record-to-mp3 feature + a good microphone (I have a stereo pair
that sounds really good, forgot their name, look like walkman-style
earplugs, cost me arround 150 euro if I remember correctly).
o boot time, no movable parts, no hardware noise, fits in a pocket, no
setup, just a few buttons and potentionally more stable than any
computer-based system.
Audio must however be edited on a seperate system, but any os should do
there for simple cuts and so...
-- peace, love & harmony Atte | quintet: | compositions: on Mon Mar 12 00:15:05 2007
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