On 3/14/07, Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Wed, 14 Mar 2007 03:15:12 +0300
> "Dmitry Baikov" <dsbaikov@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Sorry for stupid questions, but this ticket system is not that easy to
> > understand.
> We're talking trains here. All countries are the same. They spend a
> fortune developing ticketing systems that no human can comprehend :(
In Russia it is much simpler and (sure) cheaper. There are some
discounts if you are buying ahead of time, but no more than 20%. It
does not matter will you return or not, moreover buying tickets in one
city to the train from another one is a bit more expensive.
Tickets to Moscow-St.Peterburg trains (650km), depending on a train
speed/class, are from $25 (8 hours) to $100 (5 hours).
But there are cheaper suburb-trains (they are near-distance, but you
can take the next one, going farther, then the next, etc..), where you
can escape buying a ticket and give about $2 to the controller (if you
are unlucky enough to meet one). I haven't traveled with such a method
for a long time, but most of people here use it for going from Moscow
to the nearest cities (in ~250km radius).
Hmmm, having written all that I see it is not that simpler here... It
is trickier, if you are cheap :)
Received on Wed Mar 14 08:15:01 2007
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