On Monday 12 March 2007 12:23 pm, Lee Revell wrote:
> On 3/11/07, M P Smoak <smoak@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > Last week, the mouse (acting odd for a long time) got too bad to
> > use. So I take my friends advice and go to a usb mouse. Halt the
> > machine; pull the ps2 mouse and plug in the use mouse.
> >
> > Boot; all seems to work well; all works except SOUND! Except my
> > old standby, Realplayer. Alsaplayer doesn't play. Soundfont loads
> > for my SBlive, alsa patch bay appears to work, QA mix looks as
> > usual, ....
> Does your sound come back when you switch back to the PS2 mouse?
Well, I couldn't locate another real ps2 mouse until today. So I tried
Jan's suggestion to use a usb-to-ps2 adapter; that did not work. The
adapter may be faulty. The buttons worked but I had no cursor. Today I
found a ps2 mouse and it worked as expected; thankfully the port was
not the problem. My old mouse just died.
> What sound hardware?
SB Live; not the best but good enough for now.
> What error message do you get from aplay file.wav?
Never got around to trying that to see. I can go back to the usb mouse
later this week and do further testing, if you or others think it's
worth doing. I'd like to, in fact. Problems like this are fun to fix
but is it worth fixing?
In any case, thanks for your interest and help.
Received on Wed Mar 14 08:15:02 2007
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