On 3/11/07, M P Smoak <smoak@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Last week, the mouse (acting odd for a long time) got too bad to
> use. So I take my friends advice and go to a usb mouse. Halt the
> machine; pull the ps2 mouse and plug in the use mouse.
> Boot; all seems to work well; all works except SOUND! Except my
> old standby, Realplayer. Alsaplayer doesn't play. Soundfont loads
> for my SBlive, alsa patch bay appears to work, QA mix looks as
> usual, ....
Does your sound come back when you switch back to the PS2 mouse?
What sound hardware?
What error message do you get from aplay file.wav?
Received on Mon Mar 12 20:15:05 2007
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