On Wed, March 14, 2007 04:48, Ken Restivo wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> On Mon, Mar 12, 2007 at 10:34:11AM +0100, Ismael Valladolid Torres wrote:
>> David Baron escribe:
>>> Tried to make a patched using make-kpkg. Cannot find patch
>>> for patch-2.6.20-rt8. How do I do this (since this is not a
>>> debian-installed patch package)?
>> Why bothering about 2.6.20 when Musix developers [1]already packaged a
>> multimedia 2.6.21 for you? I've tried it and works lovely.
>> 1. http://linux.ilmainen.net/musix/linux-2.6.21-rc3-SMP/
> Wow, I love that they provide a Debian package of the kernel, and the
> headers, and the sources! And it's SMP too.
> Now *that* is the way it should be done.
> Thanks Musix!
> However, I notice that rtirq does *not* work with this kernel anymore.
> And yes, I have the 20070101-19 version, which appears to be the latest
> one.
> In fact, running /etc/init.d/rtirq status shows just:
> 3 TS - 19 4 0.0 SN ksoftirqd/0
> 6 TS - 19 5 0.0 SN ksoftirqd/1
> And with no set of ps options on this kernel (i.e. ps -eLf, can I find
> the threads for IRQ handlers for things like firewire or the various USB
> interrupts at all.
Are you sure that kernel is a -rt patched one? latest should be
patch-2.6.21-rc3-rt0. There's no way around: rtirq is fitted and only
works on Ingo's -rt kernels. Otherwise it just does nothing, as it seems
is your case.
-- rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela rncbc@email-addr-hiddenReceived on Wed Mar 14 12:15:02 2007
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