Le mardi 13 mars 2007 à 17:45 -0400, Paul Davis a écrit :
> On Mon, 2007-03-12 at 22:42 -0800, Rich E wrote:
> > Hi all, sorry if I'm wearing out people's eyes with so much rme
> > troubleshooting... but I'm not quite ready to give up on my $1,300
> > investment (although close, seeing as how I've only been able to fix
> > about 10% of my problems with the card).
> >
> > So my second output is sometimes just spitting out digital noise. It
> > didn't (for the first time in since it happened) earlier today, but
> > since then I have rebooted and it is back. I have tried the card
> > under windows and I don't have any problems there. Output channels 1
> > and 3 are fine, most likely the rest are too.
> >
> > Any ideas?
> wrong/not-yet-supported-on-linux firmware version.
> search the archives (this issue has shown up several times, including
> the last few days), coordinate with other users, send some dollars and
> i'll fix the ALSA driver. in the meantime downgrade to an older firmware
++++ :-)
> version. i wish i could offer it for free, but i can't. if someone else
> wants to fix it, ask me for the files (and nothing else).
Are you talking about files that are already in the last kernel archive
under "sound/pci/rme9652/"?
I have added a "Hardware" section to the "How to create music with
GNU/Linux" tutorial:
It is still a work in progress (however the RME HDSP part should be
finished soon), but I hope this will help...
Received on Wed Mar 14 12:15:02 2007
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