If I get a chance, I'm going to try to jam some tenor saxophone perhaps.
On 3/15/07, Florian Schmidt <mista.tapas@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Thursday 15 March 2007, Atte André Jensen wrote:
> > Florian Schmidt wrote:
> > > i've written a little lo-fi samba tune called "Samba felidae" (lo-fi
> > > because all that was used was my guitar and a shaker and because my
> > > microphone isn't the best). And i think a solo by a non-guitar instrument
> > > would be quite nice on it :)
> >
> > Nice idea! I've played a piano solo:
> >
> > http://atte.dk/download/samba_felidae_w_piano.ogg
> >
> > There's a version with only piano (mixed down with silence from the
> > beginning, to make it easier to import in your ardour session) here:
> >
> > http://atte.dk/download/piano_solo.ogg
> Ok,
> some great stuff coming at me there (you guys can play). Hearing it like this,
> there need to be some changes. I see there needs to be more space for the
> solo (at least 2 full forms, maybe more?), the head needs to be played less
> often (maybe only once at the beginning and at the end) and the noodling at
> the end needs to go.. I will record another version these days (probably
> tonight, i will also try to get the timing more stable - i might use a click
> [ugh]). Maybe it would be nice if the solo instrument is introduced before it
> plays its solo [like some soft piano chords on the head, too, or little
> counter melodies]. BTW: in the end i will do some copy and paste and cram all
> the solos in there that i got :)
> Ah we'll see. Keep rocking..
> Regards,
> Flo
> --
> Palimm Palimm!
> http://tapas.affenbande.org
Received on Thu Mar 15 20:15:01 2007
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