i've written a little lo-fi samba tune called "Samba felidae" (lo-fi because
all that was used was my guitar and a shaker and because my microphone isn't
the best). And i think a solo by a non-guitar instrument would be quite nice
on it :)
So if anyone likes the tune and also likes to play a solo over it, please go
ahead..Or if you want to add anything else, go ahead, too :)
Anyways, here's a link:
It goes through the "melody" first for two times, then around 1:20 a full form
is played just with backing chords which leaves space for soloing until 2:04.
After that it goes through the head once again and then some pointless
noodling ;) But feel free to do what you want with it really :)
Changes are:
||Ebmaj7 | |Bbmaj7 | |
|Am7b5 |D7 |Gm7 | |
|Cm7 F7| Dm7 Gm7 |Abmaj7 | |
|D7 | ||
||Ebmaj7 | |Bbmaj7 | |
|Am7b5 |D7 |Gm7 | |
|A7 | |Dsus | |
|E7 | |A7 | ||
Have fun,
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Thu Mar 15 04:15:05 2007
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