On Thursday 15 March 2007, Josh Lawrence wrote:
> > i've written a little lo-fi samba tune called "Samba felidae" (lo-fi
> > because all that was used was my guitar and a shaker and because my
> > microphone isn't the best). And i think a solo by a non-guitar instrument
> > would be quite nice on it :)
> Great changes b/t/w, sounds a lot like some brazilian guitar stuff a
> friend turned me on to at one time.
> I went for a Chick Corea-type sound here, but the mixing is terrible,
> and all-in-all, I don't think I played that good (lack of a decent
> keyboard tonight, strange rhodes soundfont, etc.). If you don't find
> anything else that you like from someone else, I'd be happy to give it
> some serious practice time and come up with something better.
> Oh, one more thing - you played a Gm7 at the beginning and I played G
> minor/major 7 (melodic minor), so I stepped on your toes a bit. :)
> http://www.hardbop200.com/samba_felidea_josh.ogg (4 MB)
I hope you don't mind CC'ing to LAU again:
I dig your playing (great melodies).. BTW: what rhodes soundfont is it? Sounds
Let's say we got you two piano players Pa and Pb and we have some melody
instrumentalists I1, I2 (or whoever wants to chime in).
Then we could do it like this:
Head (with some Pa stuff in the background)
Solo Pa
Solo I1 (more soft Pa stuff in the back)
SoloI I2 (Pb takes over now in the back)
Solo Pb
Head (with some Pb stuff)
Ending [which i'll come up with sometime. maybe just a fade out on Ebmaj7
Abmaj7 Ebm7 Abmaj7 rep. :)]
I'll rerecord the thing with click track again, so my shoddy timing doesn't
throw you off so bad and that there's some reference timing available (in
case anyone wants to play around with sequencers and drum computers). I'll
play 4 choruses with space for solo in the middle.. Then everyone can blow
over them (take 1, 2, 3 or 4 choruses or copy and paste for more if you
please. On both of your recordings (Josh and Atte) i thought: "damn, why does
it have to stop already?"). If we can't play together live we can as well
make use of hd recording technologies (usually i'm not a too big friend of
click tracks). So everyone just record something over it that you like.. Then
in the end i'll cut it together :)
BTW: the changes i posted are wrong. This is the corrected version:
||Ebmaj7 | |Bbmaj7 | |
|Am7b5 |D7 |Gm7 | |
|Cm7 | F7 | Dm7 | Gm7 |
|Abmaj7 | | | |
|D7 | | | ||
||Ebmaj7 | |Bbmaj7 | |
|Am7b5 |D7 |Gm7 | |
|A7 | |Dsus | |
|E7 | |A7 | ||
P.S.: This is the plan: I put the click on i.e. 200 bpm in ardour, but don't
export it with the audio.. Then i encode the audio to .ogg (for bandwidth)
and someone else downloads it, converts it back to .wav, imports it in ardour
and sets the click to 200. Will this work? Does the .ogg encoding and
decoding alter the timing of the audio stream in any way?
-- Palimm Palimm! http://tapas.affenbande.orgReceived on Fri Mar 16 04:15:02 2007
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