hi everybody!!
yesterday I've uploaded to my small project a pair of trax of minimal
house mixed with a pair of poems by melissa_k (ccMixter). They are a
little bit sentimental, but I think very nice too; they aren't like my
other trax, this is a different style, some experimental because this
is the first time I work with a poem onto a song (well, onto a mine
song)... maybe I'd like some feedback to hear your opinion, this sound
very different to the things I usually do, I'm worried... :)
u can download the trax here:
thanx by reading this, I hope u like this new release
may the power be with u, c'ya on the net ;)
-- ... subliminal stuff at http://perlssdj.blogspot.com...Received on Fri Mar 16 16:15:02 2007
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