david wrote:
> Pieter Palmers wrote:
>> So now I am considering getting one of these top-notch macbook pro's,
>> but I'd like to inform myself beforehand.
>> My basic requirement list:
>> * runs linux with all hardware supported
>> * ruggedness (I carry it around everywhere)
>> * support quality (Apple's guarantee doesn't seem as good as the one
>> from Dell)
> Apple's support quality is generally rated the same or better than Dell's.
But a little overpriced maybe:
DELL's completecare multicover (accidential damage, theft, robbery, ...)
is 322€ for 3 years over here. Apple's extension to 3 year warranty is
449€, and I can't find anything on theft or damage.
I've dealed with DELL customer service before and the feelings are
mixed... sometimes it was very good, sometimes it wasn't. But everything
got fixed in the end. My personal experience is limited to a few
lattitude 620, 810 and 820's from family & friends, and up till now they
are working fine. The issues that arised were a LAN port blowup
(probably due to lightning as the ADSL router also started acting
weird), and two 'a few bad sector' harddisk failures (IBM/hitachi
drives). Everything was repaired on-site, and rather quick.
I currently have a 'white-book' i.e. a rebranded Uniwill. But the Dutch
rebrander decided that it wasn't profitable anymore to assemble laptops
in the Netherlands, and therefore they stopped their business (and their
customer support). Currently my laptop's dvd drive causes the laptop to
fail booting when it is inserted. It works in other laptops however, so
it's an internal problem.
Needless to say that my feelings regarding customer support (and
white-branded stuff) have changed.
Received on Sat Mar 17 00:15:02 2007
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