Dave Phillips wrote:
> Greetings:
> Reading the Macbook discussion leads me to ask this question here. It's
> probably 'way OT, sorry about that.
> Ivy (aka the Better Half) has a nice Inspiron that's compromised in two
> significant respects: It runs Windows XP and it has a major audio
> annoyance.
> I know what to do about the OS, but I wondered if anyone else suffers
> with the same audio problem. There is a persistent echo in the sound,
> and it's really annying when we're watching a movie on the box. I can't
> find any control that would disable the effect, I don't even know what
> chipset's in the machine, and I've not found any mention of this problem
> on the net.
> If you're using an Inspiron under Linux or Windows, please let me know
> if this trouble is unique to Ivy's machine. Suggestions for fixing it
> would be much appreciated, that echo effect is truly irritating.
Dunno if this is unique with his laptop, but it's certainly not on my
Inspiron 8600. Of course the onboard sound is useless for anything else
than playing youtube vids, but it doesn't have these artifacts under
Linux nor Windows. Jack runs quite well, with 2.9ms delay, although
sometimes I get an X-run burst when starting it up so I have to restart
it again. Could be something with the kernel, though, but I'm quite
statisfied with this performance on this piece of crap soundcard ;)
I assume you've checked that the microphone's not on..?
-- Ringheims Auto - Fri musikk for bilstereo! http://ringheimsauto.orgReceived on Mon Mar 19 16:15:13 2007
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