Arnold Krille wrote:
> Turning off the 3D- or surround effects for wider stereo could help.
> These simulate wider stereo fields with rather simple (and bad)
> methods. Turn them off and see if the echo is away.
I thought of that, but I couldn't find any controls on the supplied
mixer that would disable the effect. Maybe I missed 'em, I'll check
again when I'm at the machine.
> And check if the problem is still there on linux (with a bootable-cd)
> where these stereo-effects are switched off most times.
I'll try to convince Ivy to let me do that. She's pretty nervous about
me messing with her computer, she thinks I'm going to replace Windows.
Well, that is what I'd *like* to do... :)
Received on Mon Mar 19 16:15:12 2007
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