On 3/19/07, Pieter Palmers <pieterp@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Marc-Olivier Barre wrote:
> > On 3/17/07, Christoph Eckert <ce@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >> > Mind you, this is a Latitude, not an Inspiron which seems to have a
> >> > bad reputation.
> >>
> >> maybe, but my Inspiron 8200 now works flawlessly for almost 5 years.
> >> I've seen other I8ks with hardware trouble, but this was no prob thanks
> >> to the Dell on-site service. And its 1400x1050 pixel display offered
> >> much more value as I bought it than the 1024x768 of the competitors.
> >>
> >> I agree, though, that I wouldn't buy one without at least 3 years
> >> hardware service.
> >>
> >> Cheers,
> >>
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > FWIW, a friend of mine worked for Dell (in the customer support
> > service) to optimize there processes. We've talked about a few
> > times...
> >
> > Dell works this way. The thing they are best at is fixing computer
> > hardware (I would like, as a professional, to get this kind of service
> > when I open a case at sun's CS with my golden whatsoever contract
> > number)
> >
> > What's dell's secret to sell cheap computers ? They are so good (and
> > efficient in their processes) at fixing poor quality hardware that
> > it's more interesting for then to just replace 5 times the same
> > components than to build a computer with good quality ones. It makes
> > the computer cheaper, and as Sampo said, when there's a problem, it's
> > fixed fast. So it's just transparent to the user.
> Is this also true for their high-end models? You can configure almost
> exactly the same machine as an Inspiron, Lattitude or Precision. But the
> price tag is seriously different. I would expect that there is some
> difference to justify the price difference?
The behavior is the same with high-end _servers_. The difference in
price is justified by the fact that you get even better service and
assistance, and on site technicians to replace broken parts in 24
hours (or less, it depends on your contract).
Although I do not like this way of working (selling crap and making a
hell lot of maintenance afterwards), I must admit that they are very
good at it. I've had the chance to compare with IBM and SUN
"Golden-fuck-VIP-KingSize" contracts. There is a difference, even if I
cannot tell if Dell is great, or if IBM and SUN just suck.
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Mon Mar 19 16:15:12 2007
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