On 3/19/07, Nedko Arnaudov <nedko@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Dragan Noveski <perodog@email-addr-hidden> writes:
> > why is qmidimonitor appearing in the audio-connections-tab of qjackctl?
> afaik, because qjackctl assumes jack == audio
> this is false assumption for jack midi ports
Hi Dragan and Nedko,
Since I had a similar issue this week end while testing zynjacku, I'll
bring in my two cents...
As Nedko said, qjackctl does not know about jackmidi. I switched to
patchage to handle these ports.
To test some midi apps with a (physical) midi keyboard, you'll need
jackmidi_alsaseq :
At present, jackmidi ports are only application midi-in and midi-out.
jackmidi_alsaseq is a bridge that will create a jackmidi port to
receive and send midi events to and from a regular alsa seq.
Have fun !
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Mon Mar 19 20:15:06 2007
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