Eric Dantan Rzewnicki:
> On Mon, Mar 19, 2007 at 06:55:53PM -0500, Jack O'Quin wrote:
> > On 3/19/07, Atte André Jensen <atte.jensen@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > You could code those parts of the program in C or C++ to avoid
> > memory management in the "harder" realtime portions of your
> > application. With sufficiently large ringbuffers (or the like), the
> > other parts can probably be written in python with some higher
> > latency.
Well, Python is not so bad for realtime use, since the garbage collector
is referencial. Its not optimal or realtime safe in any way, but in
practice it works a lot better than other languages.
> An option to consider is controlling ecasound from python. I've had a
> good deal of fun building things this way in the past and hope to get
> back to it this year.
> It works fairly well. The logic and configuration of your program is
> fine in python ... it just sends control information to ecasound while
> ecasound handles all the details of communicating with jackd.
Other python alternatives are RTcmix:
Or SuperCollider:
(Couldn't find link, but I think I remember hearing about some
stuff somewhere)
Or PD:
I'm sure there are other ways too. CSound for example.
Received on Tue Mar 20 16:15:06 2007
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