> From: Ken Restivo <ken@email-addr-hidden>
> Subject: [linux-audio-user] Free-as-in-freedom B3, other than Bristol?
> To: linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
> Message-ID: <20070320054905.GC14350@email-addr-hidden>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii
> Hash: SHA1
> Is there such a thing as a free-as-in-freedom alternative (no matter how paltry) to the Native Instruments "B4"?
> I tried Bristol and... it looks gorgeous but IMHO sounds way too thin and cheezy.
> There seem to be dozens of soundfonts out there with B3 sounds, but the ones I've tried so far aren't very good. The free GigaSampler/LinuxSampler B3 samples I've found are even worse.
> If there's no good tonewheel simulator, are there any recommended good free soundfonts of B3 sounds? Samples made with Leslie are useless to me, since I'll simulate that using LADSPA plugins. If I go the soundfont route, I'd just need samples of the organ line-out.
Beatrix is worth a go:
Not a 'free' licence, but it runs on Linux and includes source code.
> - -ken
Received on Tue Mar 20 20:15:01 2007
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