On Tue, 2007-03-20 at 16:39 -0700, Ken Restivo wrote:
> I've gotta wonder if it might be more productive to just hack up a no-frills tonewheel emulator in ChucK. I'm not sure I'd need to go to the level of detail in modelling that he's gone to (i.e. including the leakage from terminal strips), nor extra things like distortion, reverb, or Leslie simulation since those are available through LADSPA.
I started to work on a tonewheel organ plugin. I don't have time to do
anything with it, and won't have time for a few months at least.
Please feel free to mail me off-list for a tarball of the source and a
brief description of what needs done.
Received on Wed Mar 21 04:15:05 2007
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