My wife (and my youngest son) use GNU/Linux/OpenSUSE. She got so fed up with
W2000 when her computer at work got infected with some sort of botnet-thing
that distributed pictures. This was in 2002. And she asked me "you use Linux.
Is it good?". Ever since she have been using Linux. At work my wife use a
thin client with OpenSUSE. In fact, the whole educational part (and some part
of the administration) of the city is using OpenSUSE and thin clients.
For some it is a shocking experience. Just to deal with things like numberless
amount of software and they're just standing like a donkey between two
heystacks (swedish saying) and can't figure out which to use instead of just
using something. They are so used to be fed with something and not really
thinking about it. But they'll come around.
-- - Bengan ------------------------------------------------------------ - KTHNOC - No1 Internet Offspring | --- - 08-7906586 (ej vidarekopplat), 070-6443325 ------------------------Received on Wed Mar 21 12:15:01 2007
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