[linux-audio-user] (OT) Affordable Networked Attached Storage?

From: Michael TD Nelson <m_nels@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Fri Mar 23 2007 - 20:33:39 EET


I have an idea in mind for a product which I'd like to own. Basically,
I'd like to be able to buy an enclosure that takes two off-the-shelf
hard discs (IDE, SCSI, SATA, SAS, whatever...) and connects to my LAN
with an ethernet cable (gigabit preferred, but 10/100 is acceptable).

It should have an onboard RAID (absolutely essential) and provide SMB
and NFS shares to the network (maybe also ftp), probably with an Apache
server to supply a management GUI.

I know that I can build something like this, but I would like to buy one
- I have found products by Buffalo and Icy Box which come close, but I
haven't found one for (what I consider to be) a reasonable price that
does exactlt what I'd like.

I'd like it to have an ethernet connection so I can have a box like this
sitting alongside the wireless router in my house,. I could then avoid
having any desktop or laptop switched on permanently - and still have
24hr wireless access point, DHCP server, print servers, firewall, AND
file storage supplied to anyone (permitted) who chooses to connect.

I would still use my internal discs for recording/playing audio, but a
networked attached box would be very useful for running backups, and
archiving data centrally.

Does anyone know of any products, or manufacturers who make such an item?

Michael Nelson
Received on Sat Mar 24 00:15:01 2007

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