I'm following the directions on the wiki for the RT kernel at:
and I'm at the point of modprobe'ing the realtime module in the
instructions which say:
load realtime-lsm
# modprobe commoncap
# modprobe realtime gid=18
But, I receive this error:
FATAL: Error inserting realtime
(/lib/modules/2.6.16-rt29-tglx4/extra/realtime.ko): Invalid module format--
when modprobe'ing the "realtime" module.
Why is this? The kernel and the module were compiled with the same tools.
Michel Dominique in the gentoo audio forum suggested to
# make mrproper"
# make oldconfig; make
# remove /lib/modules/2.6.16-rt-tglx4
# make modules_install
reinstall the kernel and reinstall realtime-lsm
but that didn't change anything.
Maybe some hints:
I find that if I rmmod commoncap and then modprobe realtime it works,
realtime loads with no error. However, when I then modprobe commoncap
(with "realtime" already in) I receive the same error as I do above:
FATAL: Error inserting commoncap
(/lib/modules/2.6.16-rt29-tglx4/kernel/security/commoncap.ko): Invalid
module format
I don't know if order is an issue for the loading of these two modules,
but I don't know what the problem is.
With the realtime module loaded and no commoncap, audio plays but is
very very slow.
Any one have any ideas on this?
-- brad fuller http://www.Sonaural.com/ +1 (408) 799-6124Received on Sun Mar 25 04:15:01 2007
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