On 3/25/07, Brad Fuller <brad@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> Brad Fuller wrote:
> > Marc-Olivier Barre wrote:
> >> On 3/25/07, Brad Fuller <brad@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> >>> I'm following the directions on the wiki for the RT kernel at:
> >>> http://proaudio.tuxfamily.org/wiki/index.php?title=Realtime_%28RT%29_Kernel
> >>>
> >>>
> >>> and I'm at the point of modprobe'ing the realtime module in the
> >>> instructions which say:
> >>>
> >>> -----------------
> >>> load realtime-lsm
> >>>
> >>> # modprobe commoncap
> >>> # modprobe realtime gid=18
> >>> -----------------
> >>>
> >>> But, I receive this error:
> >>>
> >>> FATAL: Error inserting realtime
> >>> (/lib/modules/2.6.16-rt29-tglx4/extra/realtime.ko): Invalid module
> >>> format--
> >>>
> >>> when modprobe'ing the "realtime" module.
> >>>
> >>> Why is this? The kernel and the module were compiled with the same
> >>> tools.
> >>
> >> Hi Brad,
> >>
> >> You may have not seen it but on the wiki you pointed to, in the part
> >> called "Activate and test RT" the realtime-lsm module is marked as
> >> deprecated.
> >
> > CRAP! I simply didn't see that! Thanks for the reply and thanks for
> > pointing this out!
> >> if you go a little further in the document you will find a
> >> section called "RLIMITS" (right after the realtime-lsm one).
> >>
> >> The currently recommended method to get realtime to work is to use the
> >> rlimits method with PAM, which you should normally have on your
> >> system. It will make things a lot easier for you.
> >>
> >> The tutorial might be taking some shortcuts (depending on your
> >> configuration). If after following the tutorial's info it still
> >> doesn't work, try the following :
> >>
> >> - check that your user is part of the audio group
> >> - from a terminal, type in the following command :
> >> grep "pam_limits.so" /etc/pam.d/{gdm,kdm,xdm,login} 2> /dev/null
> > Aha, well. I have it none.
> > How would this get added?
> well... I just went ahead and added the line:
> session required pam_limits.so
> in /etc/pam.d/xdm, login and gdm
Good. Did you check what the /var/log/auth.log file says after you've
logged in ? there could be some hints there.
> Which didn't seem to make a difference to my other problem.
> Note that booting produces no errors. My audio device driver loads fine
> and initializes. Everything seems fine, except
> 1. Audio plays back very slowly. Video files play at various speeds
> (fast then slow then fast, etc.)
That video thing is weird, though I'm not sure it's realtime related
> 2. Running qjackctl I receive the warning that real-time scheduling is
> not permed and then I continuously receive delay errors:
Try running ulimit -l in a terminal to see if you get the same value
you've set in the /etc/security/limits.conf ( "-l" gives the memlock
parameter). If not, then the limits.conf file is not being taken into
account at login time.
> Any help on: pointers on getting real-time to work AND for applications to set the clock
> of the audio device is much appreciated!
Before starting jack, you need to set the sample rate to what you
want. if you can do it with alsamixer, it means that it can be saved
and reloaded at boot time using alsactl. I supposed there is an init
script in gentoo that does it automatically at boot time (have a look
in /etc/init.d or /etc/rc.d/init.d, there should be a script called
"alsa" something)
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Mon Mar 26 00:15:04 2007
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