Hi Dragan,
I just downloaded alsa-lib-devel 1.0.14rc1 which came in from yum
upgrade and I got the same issue as you. For a fix, in
csound/InOut/rtalsa.c, I added this just before the #include of
#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 1
which got it to compile. As I'm not familiar with the above macro,
I'll be asking the csound developer's list in a moment if this is the
correct solution, but this should work for you to get around compiling
> hi list,
> i am just about trying to compile csound5.05.0 in order to use csLADSPA,
> but as long i try to run scons with 'useALSA=1' i get following error:
> scons: Building targets ...
> gcc -o InOut/rtalsa.os -c -Wall -O3 -fno-inline-functions
> -fomit-frame-pointer -ffast-math -DLINUX -DPIPES -fPIC
> -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0/include
> -I/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0/include/linux -I/usr/local/include
> -I/usr/include -I/usr/X11R6/include InOut/rtalsa.c
> In file included from /usr/include/alsa/asoundlib.h:44,
> from InOut/rtalsa.c:44:
> /usr/include/alsa/global.h:134: error: redefinition of 'struct timeval'
> /usr/include/alsa/global.h:139: error: redefinition of 'struct timespec'
> scons: *** [InOut/rtalsa.os] Error 1
> scons: building terminated because of errors.
> nowhiskey@email-addr-hidden:~/software/nove/csladspa/Csound5.05.0$
> i tried looking at sourceforge but no success, so perhaps someone here
> is familiar with the issue.
> i already tried to compile the v5.04 and the cvs too, but always the
> same error.
> i would appreciate any help.
> cheers,
> doc
Received on Mon Mar 26 12:15:06 2007
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