Re: [linux-audio-user] Dead soundcard, or what?

From: Tobiah <st@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Mon Mar 26 2007 - 19:04:11 EEST

> But she was only four years old! (sob)
> Oh well. Any recommendations for a consumer-grade card?
> My needs are modest:
> - a place to attach the cable from my CD-ROM
> - Quake3 can open it using mmap
> - headphone output sounds tolerably decent
> - hopefully will last another 4 years or so :)

I would pick up a soundblaster Live! from ebay.
If Quake3 understands the EAX extensions, then
you will enjoy reverb and other effects that suit
the room that you are fragging in. Walk into
a silo, and you get big reverb.

It also has dual outputs, so you can put channels
3 and 4 in back of you with two more speakers, and
actually be able to hear monsters sneak up on you
from behind. Whirl around, and the sound is now
in front of you. It adds quite a bit to the game,
but I really only have experience with Half Life.

The card is not for studio use, but then you have
your Delta.

Received on Tue Mar 27 04:15:02 2007

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