On 3/30/07, listreader <listreader@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I saw the mosquito device that will annoy younger
> people, but not older people:
> http://www.compoundsecurity.co.uk/teenage_control_products.html
> Its pretty expensive. How would I begin to create that
> from scratch? Can a sound-card generate those frequencies?
> I imagine I would need a special speaker.
> How about an amp?, does that also need to transmit the
> higher freqs.? Is it like going from a bass amp to
> a guitar amp? (and I need to keep going?)
It would likely be easiest to just make an electronic device like the
one in the article... Use a 555 timer (or other simple oscillator)
hooked up to a small audio amp, then to a tweeter.
I know, I know, not a Linux solution... ;-)
Received on Sat Mar 31 04:15:06 2007
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