On Sat, 31 Mar 2007 02:27:48 +0200
Fons Adriaensen <fons@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 30, 2007 at 03:40:55PM -0800, Tim Howard wrote:
> > On 3/30/07, listreader <listreader@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> > >I saw the mosquito device that will annoy younger
> > >people, but not older people:
> > > http://www.compoundsecurity.co.uk/teenage_control_products.html
> > >
> > >Its pretty expensive. How would I begin to create that
> > >from scratch? Can a sound-card generate those frequencies?
> As pointed out by Tim below, it shouldn't be expensive.
> This thing seems to be targeted to people with enough
> money and holding strange opinions. To quote the web page:
> "Anti social behavior has become the biggest threat to
> private property over the last decade and there has
> been no effective deterrent until now."
> As if you could solve this by a 'deterrent'. If I were
> an "anti-social teenager" I'd keep my iPod earphones in
> place and be immune to this gadget. The even more anti-
> social would probably use a paint spray to disable the
> thing in seconds. I wouldn't blame them for doing so.
A really astute teenager (with a rich lawyer daddy) might successfully
sue the owner/user of the device for assault.
-- Will J GReceived on Sat Mar 31 16:15:01 2007
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