On 3/30/07, Folderol <folderol@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> I just tried making posts to the new list names but they were bounced.
> Are all existing list members supposed to be transferred?
> --
> Will J G
Ok, I may need to explain that...
Every day people subscribe or unsubscribe from the LA* lists. I will
export the list of users on sunday night at the last moment to keep up
with the latest changes.
So as for now, no, you won't be subscribed. And you're post won't be moderated.
Marc-Olivier Barre,
Received on Sat Mar 31 16:15:02 2007
This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : Sat Mar 31 2007 - 16:15:03 EEST