Long overdue but better late than never:
QjackCtl, the good old Qt GUI interface to JACK Audio Connection Kit is
back on a new latest dot releasse.
As read from the changelog:
- Fixed default settings for the freebob backend (JACK >= 0.103.0).
- CPU Load status label now says correctly DSP Load.
- The most recently used patchbay definitions can now be correctly
selected in round-robin fashion from its drop-down list widget.
- Avoid mixing JACK MIDI ports with regular audio ports on the
Connections and Patchbay widgets; strictly list only audio ports.
- Added 192k sample rate to setup settings drop down list (as kindly
reminded by Klaus Zimmermann, thanks).
- Most top-level widgets were missing the normal-widget flag, which were
causing some sticky size behavior on some window managers.
-- rncbc aka Rui Nuno Capela rncbc@email-addr-hiddenReceived on Sat Mar 31 20:15:03 2007
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