This is very interesting. Would like to do it but am unclear as to
how it works. What are the rules? They give you samples and you cut
them up into bangers? Do you slice up your beat in advance or do it
on the fly (fly beats require patience but I'm open to the idea of
freestyling)? Can you rap over it? Can you "jam" with other laptop
battlers or is it a strictly solo type of thing? Can you play
instruments over it? Do you have to use the provided samples or can
you use your own? How much stage time does each entrant get? Is
there an entrance fee? Prizes? Who judges and by what criteria? Are
any battles scheduled in NYC anytime soon (didn't notice any on the
Thanks for telling us about this. Seems cool. I will definitely keep
an eye on it.
On 4/2/07, Jeff Sandys <sandysj@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> LaptopBattle dot org is looking for Laptop Battle Musicians for future
> battles and to
> promote the musician's music. If you are interested register at the link
> below:
> ---------------------------------------------
> Attention Laptop Battlers!
> LAPTOPBATTLE.ORG is planning some major moves for 2007 & beyond, and we are
> trying to
> organize contestants and help promote them at the same time. If you are
> interested in
> battling and want to register, please create a profile on LAPTOPBATTLE.ORG
> main site.
> quick link:
> Your profile will show up on the contestants page when you have assigned a
> photo to your
> profile.
> Thanks!!! All the best,
> Jizo-One
> --
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