El Mié 04 Abr 2007 16:49, Chuckk Hubbard escribió:
| On 4/4/07, Ivica Ico Bukvic <ico@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
| > > Marcos Guglielmetti escribe:
| > > > Maybe noise is beauty... I dont know... the sounds of the ocean are
| > > > like noice, just like the wind too... I think this is beautiful,
| > > > but, because
| > >
| > > I
| > >
| > > > dont like the car's, bus, planes, trains, etc., sounds, I think
| > > > there is almost no beauty into the industrial age sounds (factories,
| > > > etc.)
| >
| > It seems likely that you don't like these sounds because of their
| > psychoacoustic association.
Yes: that's right
| > To put it bluntly if every morning you were
| > being prematurely woken up by a beautiful bird song of a bird who lives
| > on a tree next to your window, I am pretty sure that you would
| > eventually learn to dislike that sound as much as you currently dislike
| > the sound of your alarm clock. All sounds we are aware of are simply a
| > combination of sine tones perceptible by our ears. Therefore, the only
| > difference between a sound of an ocean and a steam engine is ultimately
| > their "recipe." If you consider all sounds on this, much more equal
| > plane, then it becomes rather apparent that all sounds have beauty that
| > simply needs to be uncovered regardless of their source. This art is
| > also known as acousmatic music (or a sound removed from its source).
| I don't buy that.
| Factories and machinery have vibrations created and
| enforced by hundreds of forces working at different rates and in
| different directions, caused by objects that were assembled with very
| little regard for the sound they made.
And human exploitation... so, if it is unethical to explode the human, I dont
like the sound of the exploitation, so I dont like the sounds of the
industrial age: it's that simple to me.
Also, the cars, etc., and the petroleum (oil) industry are destroying "our"
nature and our society, so, I dont like the cars, etc., sounds, because the
pollute "our" environment.
So I like the bird's sounds, because they dont destroy "our" nature and "our"
| A song bird actually hears
| what it is doing, and makes patterns based on the sound.
Sure, he is smart ;-), more than humans maybe
| -Chuckk
-- Marcos Guglielmetti * Director del desarrollo de Musix GNU+Linux, 100% Software Libre * CD Download: (http://www.musix.org.ar/en/) * Colabora: http://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php/Musix099_tasks * Videos, programas y otras cosas en: ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/ * Reporte de errores a: https://www.musix.org.ar/wiki/index.php?title=Problemas-Bugs *IRC: #musix channel on freenode * http://autosus.wordpress.com/ «No te tomes en serio nada que no te haga reír» [un amigo de E. Galeano] _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/linux-audio-userReceived on Thu Apr 5 00:15:05 2007
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