I suppose he played his own lullaby. :D
On 4/4/07, Bengt Gördén <bengan@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> In a nother thread Paul Davis wrote:
> > "A great instrument has qualities that the body can learn, and the mind
> > cannot"
> I've got a nice story about that.
> In the late 80th we where touring Holland and Britain with a choir. With us we
> had a young piano player (14 year old Daniel Karlsson). Late one evening we
> entered a hotel somewhere in Holland and was about to get ready for the
> night. Daniel was a bit elated because of the tour and everything. So we
> found a piano and some other instruments in a room. We started playing some
> standard selections and suddenly it was 12 o'clock and we wanted to go to
> bed. Daniel wanted to play some more and we sad to him, just 30 minutes and
> than you have to go to bed. After about 1h-2h I heard, from my room, someone
> still plays the piano and I though heck, he's still awake. I went over to the
> room and found him sitting in front of the piano playing. He played a tune
> that was sort of slow but very likable. I went over to him to say that he
> must go to bed and when I saw him from the front he was a sleep. I was really
> astonished and just stood there a couple of minutes and listened. Finally I
> had to wake him up all drowsy and blinked with his eyes saying is it
> breakfeast. :-)
> He is, BTW one of the more talented piano players in Sweden today. Plays in a
> band called Oddjob.
> regards,
> /bengan
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