Am Donnerstag, 5. April 2007 schrieb Hector Centeno:
> Also I was wondering what stereo LADSPA EQ plugins do people use with
> Ardour. I find it difficult to EQ a stereo track by routing it to two
> mono buses each one with a mono EQ plugin and habing to adjust one at
> a time. Am I missing something here?
You are missing: If you add a mono-effect to a stereo-track you get two
mono-effects with just one gui. So EQ'ing a stereo track with the
Three-Band-Parametric-With-Shelves works just the same as on mono-tracks:
Just add the EQ and work with it :-)
Regarding the TAP-EQ: Sometimes it help to move some of the parameter-sliders.
Espacially the frequency-slider on EQs.
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