Chuck Martin escribe:
> Not really. As much as I admire Bach's work (he's definitely one of my
> favorite classical composers), even the wikipedia article on Bach states
> that "he introduced no new forms" of music. Everything he did had been
> done before by others.
Sure, there's Monteverdi, there's Vivaldi, but Bach's merit is not
having done it before, is having pushed it far more forward.
> Ever hear of William Byrd? Byrd was an English composer that lived and
> died before Bach was born, and yet when I first heard his music, I was
> amazed at the similarities between their music.
Never heard of him! I am downloading some of his stuff by Gleen Gould,
sure I will like it...
Cordially, Ismael
-- Ismael Valladolid Torres m. +34679156321 La media hostia j. ivalladt@email-addr-hidden _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Fri Apr 6 16:15:02 2007
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