> >
> > Performance and latency is different things. In audio we accept all
> > latencies below 30ms (I think), less than that does not gain anything.
> >
> > But we can gain bandwith by using longer bursts, thus a higher latency
> > (within bounds) gives us greater performance.
> no, this is not really accurate.
> the PCI latency timer determines how long a device may own the PCI bus
> for, it has nothing to do with audio latency. therefore, if your system
> allowed the video interface to hog the PCI bus for a relatively long
> time, but limited the audio interface to only short periods of bus
> ownership, then audio performance will suffer.
> the script i posted first resets *all* devices to an acceptable
> middle-of-the-road timer setting, then specifically allows the audio
> interfaces to own the bus for even longer.
Thanks, Paul.
Really useful info!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 9 04:15:06 2007
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