On 4/8/07, Paul Davis <paul@email-addr-hidden> wrote:
> the PCI latency timer determines how long a device may own the PCI bus
> for, it has nothing to do with audio latency. therefore, if your system
> allowed the video interface to hog the PCI bus for a relatively long
> time, but limited the audio interface to only short periods of bus
> ownership, then audio performance will suffer.
> the script i posted first resets *all* devices to an acceptable
> middle-of-the-road timer setting, then specifically allows the audio
> interfaces to own the bus for even longer.
How critical is tuning the PCI latency? In my reading about getting
low latency set up, I've never heard of this part of it before. Thanks
for the great info, Paul!
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Mon Apr 9 04:15:06 2007
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