Bearcat M. Sandor wrote:
>> Soundman OKM In-Ear Binaural Microphones?
>> My preferred small and portable solution...
>> lg, PP
> Those look really interesting. Wouldn't they capture the sound of the
> person moving their head and walking around? On a high-end playback
> system you'd be able to hear the changes in perspective. That might be
> really interesting or very dizzying.
Well, it is true that one has to stand still to get a non-moving stereo
image, but they are perfect for location recording situations where you
should be able to move and have a portable setup.
Ever entered a noisy cafe with a shotgun mike and wondered why everyone
shuts up and looks at you? .-)
I use the OKM mikes on a mikestand as well, mounted on a chinese
chop-stick which is horizontal, to get a traditional AB spaced omni pair
at approx 20-30 cm apart. And this really makes some cool recordings!
Other approach: Mount it onto a (showroom) dummy head, or onto a ball if
you want a binaural recording without using your own head.
One last thing about binaural recording and headphones: Yes it is true
that the spactial resolution is much better when you listen to it via
headphones (and of course, the best when you were using your own ears to
record it, read: HRTF)
But the quality over loudspeakers is not much worse, at least as far as
my perception goes.
Peter P. Plessas
Engineer, not audiophile.
> I have to admit though it would be a great test of system resolution
> during playback.
> Bearcat M. Sandor
> Audiophile, not engineer.
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