Frank Barknecht wrote:
> Hallo,
> Josh Lawrence hat gesagt: // Josh Lawrence wrote:
>> I would like to trigger samples with a qwerty keyboard. I am aware
>> that freewheelin will allow loops to be turned off/on with a qwerty
>> keyboard, but I am looking for more one-shot sample triggering. It
>> would be nice to be able to assign multiple samples (whether loops,
>> one-shot, etc.) to different keys and be able to trigger them by
>> pressing the key. Is this possible? If so, what applications can be
>> used to do it?
> This is really easy to do in Pd. In workshops I explain this on day
> one usually. Attached is a simple example patch how to trigger one
> sample with a configurable key. Just open it several times if you need
> more samples/keys, then you need to learn the keys for each one
> sperately. The patch can of course be improved in several ways, e.g.
> by using a better sample player like my [play-samp~] or [samp10~]
> from the RTC-library for Pd.
> Ciao
Another option Josh, is vkeybd. Viz:
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Received on Sun Apr 15 04:15:03 2007
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