On Mon Apr 16, 2007 at 10:23:42PM -0400, sam javor wrote:
> >Ivica Ico Bukvic wrote:
> >Terrible it's most probably not enough an expression. I'm afraid it's
> >the biggest killing on a US campus?
> I think the 'Bath School Disaster' (1927) is still the deadliest attack at a US school... 45 killed 58 injured (mostly elementary school students) ...not that we're looking to break records or
> anything.
> As terrible as this is I have to say I'm impressed with the quick reaction reported in the BBC article
speaking of the BBC, does anyone know a free way to tune into the World Service, preferably digitally? theyv discontinued their shortwave transmissions to north america and western europe, so even in ideal propagation, the only possibilities are remote signals, and coupled with the 60 hz hum of power lines, and random other hums of other devices, plus the blockage from urban density, tuning in the shortwave is more or less out of the question,
as for the streams, afaik its only realaudio and/or windows media.
apparently there are some FM stations in the US and elsewhere that carry a half hour of BBC here or there to fill out their schedules, but from what i can find, all the streams are also real/wmv or 24 kbps mp3 which is actually physically painful to listen to.
am i missing something? or is the BBC just out of touch with the realities of digital delivery..
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Received on Tue Apr 17 08:15:02 2007
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