Chip VanDan wrote:
> Okay, so I know the old trick of using a stopwatch and counting,
> that's easy enough, but I always seem to screw it up. I have a
> tendency to set my BPM by the speed of my echoes, and I'm terrible at
> counting or doing anything at all while I'm playing. Is there any
> software out there that will measure the BPM automatically through
> MIDI inputs? Preferably one that will run with Jack? My preferred
> setup is Zyn and Hydrogen running at the same time, both being
> recorded simultaneously with Ardour.
Not exactly automagic ... but I find that my program countbeats works
pretty good for me.
-- Bob van der Poel ** Wynndel, British Columbia, CANADA ** EMAIL: bob@email-addr-hidden WWW: _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden on Mon Apr 23 08:15:03 2007
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