Re: [LAU] [ANN] Ardour 2.0 released

From: Carlos Pino <pinojazz@email-addr-hidden>
Date: Tue May 01 2007 - 02:07:23 EEST

Paul Davis escribió:
> Contact: Paul Davis, Founder & Lead Developer
> paul@email-addr-hidden
> +1 610 667 4807
> Philadelphia, USA April 30th, 2007
> The developers of Ardour are happy to announce the release of version
> 2.0 of the award winning digital audio workstation. Ardour transforms
> any computer running Linux or OS X into a tool to record, edit and mix
> multi-track audio. You can produce CDs, mix video soundtracks, or just
> experiment with new ideas about music and sound. Version 2.0 is
> available as an OS X (10.4) universal package
> ( and also as source
> code ( Linux
> distributions will have prebuilt binaries available in the near future.
> Nearly 2 years of work have gone into this new version. Along the way
> a huge number of bugs were fixed, performance and workflow were
> improved, and many new features were added. Highlights of version 2.0
> compared to the last stable release (0.99) include:
> * new user interface featuring:
> - more accessible menus
> - improved overall GUI design
> - instant accelerator key rebinding direct from menus
> * destructive recording ("dubbing") capabilities (as used by
> the new Harrison Xdubber)
> * undo/redo across program startup/shutdown
> * redesigned and more stable support for VST
> * support for 24 bit integer native files in addition to
> 32 bit float as in 0.99
> * modular support for hardware control surfaces, including the
> Frontier Designs Tranzport and Mackie Control Protocol devices
> In addition there are literally hundreds of minor fixes and smaller
> features that have accumulated during the work on 2.0. This new
> version is fully backward-compatible with older releases of Ardour,
> and can be installed in parallel with them. Please note that older
> versions cannot load sessions saved by Ardour 2.0.
> With the release of 2.0, the project's development will accelerate as
> it returns to focusing on major features and workflow. We also look
> forward to the results of this summer's Google Summer of Code projects
> involving MIDI editing and surround panning. We expect to release
> version 2.1 within a few months, containing new features that have
> been under development but were not merged into this release.
> Ardour is available for free download from the website. We
> encourage users to support the development of the software through
> subscriptions and donations. The software itself is available free of
> charge.
> Ardour capabilities include: multichannel recording, non-destructive
> editing with unlimited undo/redo, full automation support, a powerful
> mixer, unlimited tracks/busses/plugins, `persistent undo',
> multi-language support, destructive track punching modes, timecode
> synchronization, and hardware control from surfaces like the Mackie
> Control Universal. The program has a completely flexible "anything to
> anywhere" routing system, and will allow as many physical I/O ports as
> your system allows. Ardour supports a wide range of audio-for-video
> features such as video-synced playback and pullup/pulldown sample
> rates.
> Started in 2000 by one of the founding programmers at,
> Ardour is developed by a worldwide group of programmers with testing
> and feedback from a widely distributed network of musicians and audio
> engineers. Running on Linux and OS X, it strives to meet the needs of
> professional users. Ardour has received commercial sponsorship from
> major console manufacturers, Google and others. Many of Ardour's
> developers have also participated in the development of JACK, the de
> facto standard for inter-application audio routing on OS X and Linux.
> Ardour is released under the GNU Public License (GPL), providing its
> users the ability to freely modify, redistribute and learn.
> For more information, please visit
> _______________________________________________
> Linux-audio-user mailing list
> Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden
 Wonderful , congratulations !!
 Thank you very much for this fantastic app .


-- Carlos.
Linux-audio-user mailing list
Received on Tue May 1 04:15:04 2007

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