> No recommendation, but a few comments;
> It's fairly straightforward to get X to run without a window manager -
> just don't start one! This should work well as long as your single app
> only has a single window. With more than one window, you more or less
> need a window manager.
The application in question is freewheeling and yes it is single window. I
have written a script to make all this happen for X including starting jack
and making all the right connections. I am just not happy with the boot speed
of the current setup.... and am having difficulty finding reliable
documentation to improve it.
> "Working firewire" depends highly on what firewire hardware you are
> using, since firewire audio devices don't have the same kind of
> standardisation that USB devices do. Check with the FreeBoB people.
Yes the device is supported by freebob -> Some minimalist distro's for example
Puppy linux don't ship with Firewire drivers enabled in the kernel and it is
a conciderable PITA to compile these from source.
> As long as you're not planning to distribute the software packages you
> build (in which case you have to worry about dependencies and
> compatibility), it's pretty easy to build your own packages at least on
> DEB and RPM based systems. Just install Checkinstall, and type
> 'checkinstall' instead of 'make install' when you've built the software.
> It will generate a package file automatically.
A deb based system would be ideal.... What I really want though is something
fairly minimal with good documentation on how to rip out anything unnessary
out of the boot process. ~15 seconds to a usuable system would be a nice
target. A realtime kernel would be great too....
-- ,___. |-----| ============ / | OO ~\ ( ) 0 ) \_/-, ,-//-\\ ==== ||| | || -_/| | ||_ (____)) _______________________________________________ Linux-audio-user mailing list Linux-audio-user@email-addr-hidden http://lists.linuxaudio.org/mailman/listinfo.cgi/linux-audio-userReceived on Thu May 3 20:15:04 2007
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