On Thursday 03 May 2007, Marcos Guglielmetti wrote:
> See:
> http://www.musix.org.ar/wordpress/?p=126
> This is maybe the most important news in years: Ardour 2.0/Stable is out!
> Thanks to Paul Davis and the Ardour’s collaboratos!!
> You can install it now from the Musix’s repositories, just type as root:
> apt-get update
> apt-get install ardour2
> It will installs into /usr/local/bin/ardour2 so there will be no problems
> if you are using Debian/Etch or Musix, and you will be able to use Ardour
> 0.99.3 too.
> Thanks to Carlos Pino for the deb package. Hey, one last note: you will
> have to include this into the /etc/apt/sources.list file:
> # Musix GNU+Linux
> deb ftp://musix.ourproject.org/pub/musix/deb/ ./
> Read more: http://www.ardour.org/node/895
I just compiled it. That way I can have VST which one may not distribute
(though fst was around on Debian "contrib" for a while).
scons VST=yes and have a ZIP of the Steinberg sdk in libs or a symlink to that
zip. Will not work with the unzipped sdk.
Rosegarden depends on KDE several KDE libs being installed. Since I compiled
KDE myself (started doing this while Debian Sid's KDE was too messed up to
use!) and I do not believe one can use both ways. So I need to compile
Rosegarden as well (not a big problem but I would love some means of
overriding such dependencies to what I do have installed).
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Received on Tue May 8 20:15:02 2007
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